William David Craig, Jr. scrapbook, 1926-1930.
Related Entities
There are 2 Entities related to this resource.
Craig, William David, 1908-1991.
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6jw8f79 (person)
William David Craig, Jr. was born in Lancaster, S.C. in 1908. He was the son of William David and Julia Craig. He had two sisters, Sara and Dorothy. William David Craig, Jr. attended Clemson College where he majored in Electrical Engineering. During his time at Clemson, Craig rose through the ranks of Private, First Sergeant, Captain, and then onto Regimental Staff. He was also an Honor Junior. He was a member of Eta Epsilon Sigma, 1929; Tau Beta Pi, 1929; First Sergeant's Club, 1929; Sabre Club...
Clemson university
http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6740gp4 (corporateBody)
Courses in Computer Science first offered, 1965-1966. Department of Computer Science created July 1, 1978. Albert Turner, Acting Head, July 1978-April 1979; Head, 1979-1993. Stephen T. Hedetniemi, Acting Department Head, 1993-1994; Head, 1994-1995; Chair, 1995-1997. Harold Grossman, Acting Chair, 1997-1998. John C. Peck, Chair, 1998-2000. Pradip Srimani, Chair, 2000-present. Master of Science degree program instituted 1980-1981. From the description of Department of Computer Science ...